A backpack journalist is someone who is always ready for a photograph, story or any interesting situation that they may encounter. They carry all the essentials needed for reporting, recording and remembering an experience. Jared Silfies, a journalism student, carries a backpack with a laptop and power adapter, digital camera, iPod, several USB drives, an SD card reader, headphones, a notebook and pencils, an Internet-capable phone and copies of The Associated Press Stylebook and The Elements of Style. I have not read this book, but the fact that Silfies carries it with him at all times signifies to me that there is most likely some valuable information in it. It also means that it has many applications and is very useful if you need to reference something in the field.
One of the impressive websites I saw by a student was by Nick Trost. He is a journalism student in Seattle, Washington. His site and the amount of experience he has are impressive for a twenty year old. I'm sure he carries a laptop computer with him, as well as a digital camera and/or video camera, digital voice recorder and notebook, as he has done work with photography, audio and video, as well as uploading them to the site. I hope to have a website that I can be proud of when I gain more experience and publish more work.
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