In today's society, the answer to this question is buried deep in the quicksand of our culture. There are so many stories that are reported on that leave us wondering "Why is this important?" Many are not, and have not only dumbed down society, but have bastardized the definition of "news". We are bombarded with stories of celebrities' misfortunes, often caused by their own actions.
A story that I also found newsworthy on the Baltimore Sun's website was a story about rapper Lil' Wayne, who is being charged with illegal gun possession after an officer pulled over his tour bus after she reported "smelling marijuana." She apparently boarded the bus and found Lil' Wayne trying to hide a gun in a bag. This story, though it does not affect the community or society at large, has newsworthiness because it deals with a celebrity. Celebrities, and their lives, have always been extremely interesting to the public since the beginning of celebrities. When celebrities are having personal problems or get into legal trouble, the public's interest increases ten-fold, which you can decide for yourself what that means.
News could be loosely defined as anything reported on that has occurred and has an audience. However, there are many stories and issues that are not reported on that are far more relevant and newsworthy than the crap that rains upon us.
Stories that were actually newsworthy that I found on the Baltimore Sun's website included one about a fatal shooting in East Baltimore, with one fatality and six victims total. The shooters sped away in a gray Nissan Altima, and wer
e not identified. This story is actually newsworthy because it deals with a problem that Baltimore, and many other cities, have been facing for quite some time now. The extremely high amount of random (or not so random) acts of violence in the inner city, especially Baltimore, have plagued several major cities for many years. The proximity of this crime also lends to its' newsworthiness, as someone in Atlanta is much less likely to hear about this crime, or even give it a second thought.

Another story posted on the Baltimore Sun's website was about the damage and direction of Hurricane Ike. It has already killed four people in Cuba and seventy-four in Haiti, and ha
d caused over a million people to be evacuated from their homes. The hurricane is headed toward the Gulf of Mexico, and Texas is planning on taking a big hit. This story is newsworthy because of the conflict value; the pitting of man against nature. It also touches on the timeliness aspect, as people have not forgotten about Hurricane Katrina and the death and destruction that it caused.

I really like the way your blog is set up as a whole, you have the right amount of pictures to keep the reader interested, and it shows that you did a little extra than just the regular layout.
I really liked your entire page. The pictures along the Right side of the page are really interesting. I also really liked that your background is black. It makes the pictures really pop. For your profile picture it doesn't show your face so we can't tell who you are.
like everyone else, your blog in itself is awesome. I would have just added links to the articles you read!
I love love LOVE your layout with all of the extra photos on the side! Especially your "seen some shit" haha.. For the actual blog post I would add some pictures. I'm sure pictures of Lil Wayne smoking a blunt aren't hard to come by, which would probably make the reader laugh at the irony of how publicized he makes it, and him actually getting caught.
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